Pork And Apple Cheddar Burgers

Great grilling doesn’t have to end with summer. Capture the taste of autumn on a bun with these moist pork burgers, flecked with bits of apple and crowned with a slice of cheddar.…

Bacon-Cheddar Popcorn

For ages, bacon has had an affinity with corn and cornmeal in any number of traditional American dishes (succotash, johnnycakes, corn chowder, crackling cornbread), so why shouldn’t it, along with tangy cheddar cheese, be used to give popcorn a whole …

Bacon Pasta Delight

Recipe courtesy of Darla Shine, author of Happy Housewives.  Quick dinner that gives a weekday supper an elegant feel.  Serve with big green salad and breadsticks.…

Happy Housewife’s Pea Soup

Recipe courtesy of Darla Shine, author of Happy Housewives. Warm up with this comfort soup after a day of raking leaves or from a late afternoon game.…

Breakfast Sausage Pie

Tasty way to wake up.  You can even make these ahead of time.  Serve with seasonal fresh fruit.…