Grilled-Roasted Garlic

A perfect and contemporary appetizer straight from the grill: Roasted garlic on slices of French bread. Thinly slice a baguette and lightly toast the slices on the grill as the garlic roasts. …

Spicy Bean Pate

Pates don’t have to be difficult to make. This is a easy addition to a appetizer buffet. Be sure to have plenty of crackers along with a vegetable relish tray. …

Texas Caviar

Texans say you need to make it one to three days ahead so the flavors will mellow. You may add, substitute or delete any of the ingredients. This is a fun recipe to experiment with. Serve at room temperature with …


This high-flavored, low-fat dip can be served with toasted pita bread triangles. Brush both sides of pita breads lightly with olive oil and toast quickly on the grill. Cut into wedges.…

Cranberry-Corn-Pepper Salsa

This spicy salsa gives a real kick to plain grilled pork chops, and is also a perfect foil for a pork roast or a ham. If it’s not fresh cranberry season, look for frozen cranberries in the freezer case. This …

Coriander-Pepper Marinade

Marinating overnight is ideal, but even 2 hours of marinating prior to cooking imparts flavor, as well. …

Fresh Peach Salsa

Give your favorite grilled pork some added flavor with this tasty fresh salsa. …