Health Professional Education Kit

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Pork Portion Plate

Click here for a guide to healthy eating and portion size.

Fact Sheets

Click on any of the fact sheets below for more information!!

Slim Seven – Fresh pork has shaped up and slimmed down so much in recent years that pork tenderloin is just as lean as a skinless chicken breast. The facts are on this card.
Carbon Foot Print – America’s pork producers understand the responsibility that their farming choices have on the soil, water and land that they call home.
Diabetes Brochure – With diabetes affecting over 8 percent of the US population, lean pork is a healthy option for everyone with its combination of low calorie density and high nutrient density.
Pork:  Part of a Nutrient Rich Solution to Obesity –  Protein in the form of lean meats such as pork can play an integral role in the solution to the obesity epidemic by increasing satiety, reducing hunger sensations and preserving lean muscle mass.

Step up to a Healthier You:  School Nutrition Program – Online nutrition teaching resource that features the new MyPlate food guide for classroom activities.

Additional Nutrition Fact Sheets available here.